Friday, June 13, 2008

Embarrassing Moments in Children's Books

Blume Freckle Juice
J Fic Blume
Andrew wants freckles so badly that he buys Sharon's
freckle recipe for fifty cents. Later, homemade freckles
cause him to be teased by others.

Clairday, Robynn Tell Me This Isn’t Happening!
J 152.4 Tell
The author collected stories of kids’ most embarrassing
moments, told in their words. Thrown in are words of
wisdom to deal with those pesky situations we all encounter.

Conrad, Pam Seven Silly Circles
J Fic Conrad
Nicki is embarrassed about the circles left on her face
while playing around with a rubber arrow, but supportive
parents and friends help her forget her problem during the
fun and commotion of a leaf-raking party.

Hopkins, Lee Bennett Oh, No! Where Are My Pants?
J 811.008 H
Poems about embarrassment, shame, fear in those dreary times
when unexpected disasters happen. Check out…”My Brand-New
Bathing Suit”, “Haircut” and “Nightmare”.

Petersen, P. J. I Hate Weddings
J Fic Petersen
When Dan has to meet his new stepfamily and take part
in his father's wedding, he finds that all sorts of horrible
and embarrassing things happen to him. He and his
brothers/sisters have to go with the newlyweds on their

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