Monday, November 26, 2012

Books about Going to the Doctor or Dentist

For most kids, going to the doctor or dentist can be scary, but reading a book or two about doctors and dentists can help them feel better prepared and less worried. 

Froggy goes to the doctor by: Jonathan London
A useful and funny book in the Froggy series about Froggy realizing going to the doctor is nothing to worry about. Froggy is nervous about going to the doctor, but after some hilarious things happen there, he realizes that the doctor’s office isn’t that bad!

Ben goes to the doctor because he has an earache, but he is scared to let the doctor look at his ear. That is, until his big sister Amy volunteers to get a check-up to show him there’s nothing to be scared of!

Katie feels sick, so her mother takes her to the doctor and Katie learns all about getting her temperature taken, having her heart listened to with a stethoscope, and more. She also learns that going to the doctor is nothing to be scared of!

Harry’s first dentist trip is less scary because he brings along his dinosaur toy friends. One of them, Tyrannasaurus, is a little scared still, but Harry helps him feel better.

Teaches about words you might hear at the dentist, like appointment, cavity, and x-ray. Great way to ease your child’s fear about the dentist by empowering them with knowledge about the words they might hear.

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