Monday, October 1, 2012

Get Your Dancing Shoes On! (Books about Dancing)

Here some great books about dancing (you don’t even have to be a good dancer to read them):

Tells the story of Sallie, Beau, and their family and friends having a fun night at a Texas dance hall (includes historical information about dance halls, including Gruene Hall in Gruene, Texas).


After seeing a ballet performance, Nate decides he wants to learn ballet but he has doubts when his brother Ben tells him that only girls can be ballerinas.

Allegra takes her little dog Jake to ballet class for the rehearsal of "The Nutcracker," and he proves himself to be a very good dancer.

The humdrum days of grouchy animals on a Texas farm are enlivened by Rooster's newfound jitterbugging passion, which soon has everyone bouncing and dancing.

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