Monday, October 15, 2012

Meow Meow! Books about Cats

Last week, we told you about some great books about dogs you can check out here in the Children’s Department.  You didn’t think we’d forget about you cat fans out there, did you?  Here’s some fabulous cat books:

The cat in the rhinestone suit goes on an adventure with his friends to settle a score with a snake named Del Moore, only to get in trouble and need some help out!


A cat gives advice to other animals, like a parrot whose owners don’t like how much he talks to a groundhog who feels insecure about predicting the weather!  Animals have problems, too, don’t they?


A sweet-natured cat tries to find the perfect spot to relax.


Eula is not round like other cats, in fact, she is square.  She doesn’t like being different until her friends help her realize how special she is.

A story about a cat who has all the qualities you look for in the perfect friend. (Did you notice we wrote "perfect friend" instead of writing "purrfect friend?")

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

It is hip be square!
Thank you!

Ciao Meow!

Elizabeth Schoonmaker
Square Cat
Aladdin Books